Shipping & Returns Return Policy
Items shipped from, including Amazon Warehouse, can be returned within 30 days of receipt of shipment in most cases. Some products have different policies or requirements associated with them.
Mistaken Returns
Ensure you enclose the correct and complete item when making a return. We need the correct item returned in order to grant a refund.
To protect our associates and customers, Amazon disposes of incorrect/mistaken returns. If you sent an incorrect item to Amazon, contact Customer Service as soon as possible. We can’t guarantee your item will be found and returned, and we don’t provide compensation for any incorrect/mistaken return disposed of.
ClickBank’s Product Return Policy
Customers requesting a return after expiration of the return period set forth in the applicable Vendor Return Policy will be required to work directly with the vendor for technical support or customer service. Vendors may request a return, on behalf of a customer, of any purchase up to 90 days after the date of the ClickBank customer’s purchase.
If a customer requests a return and the return is approved by ClickBank, the money for the requested transaction is refunded back to the customer, in part or whole. If the return is for a recurring billing product, then the return policy allows for the most recent payment to be refunded. Multiple payment returns can be provided as long as they are within the applicable Vendor Return Policy. A return on a recurring billing product will also result in cancellation. Returns will only be credited back to the account used to make the original purchase. If the original account has been closed, the purchase is not eligible for return.